Teacher Faculty
The Covert Theatre teaches improvisational theatre - from short form improv games, to improvised scenes to full length improvised plays.
The Covert Theatre teachers are very experienced in creating a safe, non-judgemental environment essential to learning the art of improvisation.
Improv 101 & 201 teachers
Ambika Kumar
Yoong Ru Heng
Tom Kane
Wade Jackson
Improv 301 teachers
Edith Fumarola
Elle Collins
Matt Armstrong
Michael Fletcher
Drop in workshops
Mark Scott
Paul Paice
Edith Fumarola
Wade Jackson
Tom Kane
Matt Armstrong
Michael Fletcher
Youth programs
Nik Edwards
Gill Berry
Edith Fumarola
Guest teachers
The Covert Theatre has a number of guest teachers who run workshops in not just improv but also stagecraft, voice, clown, directing, Shakespeare, Rap, stand up comedy and more.
Jennifer Ward-Leland
Michele Hine
Kirstie O’Sullivan
Stuart Devenie
Pedro Ilgenfritz
International guest teachers
The Covert host international teachers throughout the year
Larry Dorsey Jr
Jonathan Pitts
Jason Geary
Joe Bill
Nick Byrne
Patti Stiles