Step into the world of mystery and hilarity with The Remarkable Case Of...!
In this thrilling improv show, our talented cast takes on the roles of detectives, witnesses, and suspects, diving headfirst into a brand-new case inspired by audience suggestions. Each performance is a unique whodunit filled with twists, turns, and unexpected surprises that keep you on the edge of your seat—and rolling with laughter!
As the plot thickens, watch as our improvisers piece together clues, crack jokes, and engage in outrageous antics, all while trying to solve the case at hand. From bizarre characters to absurd scenarios, you never know what will happen next in this comedic romp through the art of detective work.
Join us for a night where solving the case is only half the fun—because in this world of improv, the only thing you can count on is the unexpected! The Remarkable Case Of... proves that with a dash of creativity and a sprinkle of mischief, every mystery can lead to unforgettable laughs!
Rated: M
Tickets $22.00
Our fully licensed bar opens one hour before the show begins so come and have a drink before the show.
No audience member is brought up on stage, so you can relax and enjoy the show from the comfort of your seat.
The Covert Theatre, home of improv comedy, is community in spirit and professional in standards. With workshops and shows every night of the week there is something for everyone.
To book wheelchair accessible seats, or for assistance with your booking, please email us or call (09) 600 1877